Why Buy a Stringed Instrument Locally?


Gibson Bass Mando just repaired and set up.

Three Famillies of Stringed Instruments

Buying an instument from a local shop specializing in good set up, whether from the guitar or violin family, is crucial. Personalized service and follow up service is important for continued playing pleasure.

What is “set up”?

A guitar’s neck has to be properly adjusted, the string height, has to be properly adjusted – and these facets of a stringed instrument change with the weather!

At Golden Violins, every stringed instrument we sell or rent is set up expertly by an award-winning violin maker. Instruments that we sell are serviced, at no extra charge, for the first year. So when it gets humid in the summer, and your instrument’s wood swells, we’ll get it sounding right. Instruments that we rent are serviced for the life of the rental – as part of the rental price.

So before you buy from a chain store, or from an Internet reseller, or Craigslist, remember that a stringed instrument isn’t an iMac: it requires expert attention.

What Does it Cost to Set Up a Stringed Instrument?

Let’s say you’ve already bought a guitar – at a yard sale – and you’re wondering what it will take to put it right. Set ups can run between $25 and $125 – which you’ll benefit from immediately. And if you don’t need a set up, but your instrument is out of tune, we’ll be glad to tune it for you at no charge.